Sales culture maturity index (SCMI)

Are you dissatisfied with your sales results? Are you experiencing a decline in your clients’ loyalty? It is possible that the root of the issue is your company’s SALES CULTURE.

The SCMI (sales culture maturity index) is a diagnostic tool that is essential for any organization that is seeking to TRANSFORM ITS SALES CULTURE.

The SCMI allows you to:

  • Identify strengths, concerns, and weaknesses related to your sales culture
  • Identify tangible solutions to improve employee CONTRIBUTION to the business growth process as well as the COHERENCE of your clients’ purchasing experience.

The SCMI assessment tool may be used periodically by an organization in order to measure the progress of changes that have been made to its sales culture. The questionnaire can be filled out in less than 18 minutes and the reports are available within 48 hours.

Developed and implemented by the Talentuum research team, the SCMI can measure 12 specific dimensions that will classify your organization’s sales culture.

Badger Mapping

Plan your sales route in 1 minute! Badger is the top-rated field sales planner.

  • Badger does 90% of the hard work for new representatives, which allows them to sell quicker and more efficiently. Representatives sell up to 20 to 25% more thanks to Badger.
  • Badger prevents idle time, allowing you to visit more prospective clients and increase your sales.
  • Badger can connect to any CRM so the entire team can access the same client information, even on the field.
  • Managers can obtain information on the activities of representatives and their field performances in order to manage territories more easily.

Before Badger, we’d lose about 2 hours per day planning sales itineraries and monitoring results. Now, our routes are planned in 5 minutes and activity reports are automatically generated. Badger has definitely increased productivity – James Stratmann, president, Sunset Industrial Parts.

Discover how to optimize your sales routes and sell more with Badger Mapping.